This page is due for further development.
BSYW have been taking assemblies in schools across Blackpool, Fylde and Wyre since 1995. We explore the Bible, God and Jesus, what we believe as Christians and discuss social, moral and current issues.
We endeavour to keep our assemblies upbeat, fun and visual, including and interacting with all pupils and leaving them with something to think about.
These operate on a rotation based on school year. In this current half term all workshops are being delivered to Year 1 pupils.
Year 1 Workshop – We provide 3 half-hour sessions introducing these little hearts and minds to the knowledge, power and wonder of The Bible, God and Jesus. What an absolute joy and privilege. Obviously, we do it in a simple, sensitive and fun way, but just think about it…. how would you explain God to a 5-year-old who had no previous knowledge or concept of Him?